Marketing – and more…
Welcome to Kinglet.
My name is Magnus and I am constantly trying to get people around me to start playing tennis. One of the methods to achieve this is to work with unsuspecting colleagues, suppliers and customers.
Since the summer of 2022, I am the Marketing Manager at Fluid-Bag Ltd.
The role suits me well because I love marketing almost as much as I love tennis. In addition, the company gets strategic marketing, a strong brand, visibility in many channels, and lots of new leads (5x vs. last year) despite a smaller budget.
…so they suspect nothing of my tennis missions! 😊
Please send me an email if you want to get in touch.
Previous experiences include that I am the author of the Swedish book Hållbar sponsring – en handbok för idrotten (”Sustainable Sponsorship – a Handbook for Sports”). I have also been a columnist for many years in the marketing industry’s media such as Dagens Media and SportsBizTrends, as well as in iGaming for The Gambler Magazine and Travronden Spel.
I am a trained board member and have been a frequently hired lecturer on marketing (and the sports industry) in business networks and at conferences, including ICE London, TEDx, TEDxYouth, and others.
In addition to my profession as a marketer, I make private investments in listed and unlisted companies.
In my spare time, I like to play tennis.
// Magnus Berglund